
Case Study 22: Yeshiva Bondi and Yeshivah Melbourne
Case Study 22: Yeshiva Bondi and Yeshivah Melbourne
The Royal Commission held a public hearing in Melbourne from Monday 2 to Friday 13 February 2015. Oral submissions were held on Thursday 17 September 2015.
The public hearing inquired into the response of Yeshivah Melbourne and Yeshiva Bondi to allegations of child sexual abuse.
The scope and purpose of the public hearing was to inquire into:
- The response of the Yeshivah Centre and the Yeshivah College in Melbourne to allegations of child sexual abuse made against David Cyprys, David Kramer and Aron Kestecher.
- The response of the Yeshiva Centre and the Yeshiva College Bondi to allegations of child sexual abuse made against Daniel Hayman.
- The systems, policies, practices and procedures for the reporting of and responding to allegations of child sexual abuse of:
- Yeshivah Centre;
- Yeshivah-Beth Rivkah Colleges;
- The Yeshiva Centre - Chabad NSW; and
- Yeshiva College Bondi.
- Any other related matters.
See all exhibits for this case study
Opening address
Witness list


