
Media releases
Media Releases
The Royal Commission recognises that the media has an important role to play in reporting on its work. Media coverage resulting from the Royal Commission’s activities improves community understanding of the issues being examined.
The Royal Commission encourages sensitive, ethical reporting of the issues and requests that, wherever possible, the contact details of support services are included in media reports such as Lifeline because survivors of child sexual abuse are often traumatised by the abuse suffered and the impact can be life-long.
Final Report released »
The Final Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was delivered to the Governor-General of Australia and released today.
Two case study reports delivered to governments »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has delivered two reports to the Governor-General and Governments: Case Study 43 - The response of Catholic Church authorities to allegations of child sexual abuse in the Maitland–Newcastle region and Case Study 44 – The response of the Catholic Dioceses of Armidale and Parramatta to allegations of child sexual abuse against a priest.
Report into Anglican Diocese of Newcastle released »
A redacted version of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse’s report into Case Study 42 - The responses of the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle to instances and allegations of child sexual abuse was released.
Report into Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat released »
A redacted version of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse’s report into Case Study 28 – Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat was released.
Report into Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne released »
A redacted version of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse’s report of Case Study 35 – Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne was released.
Final sitting marks the end of the Royal Commission »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will sit on 14 December to publicly mark the conclusion of the five-year long inquiry.
Justice McClellan addresses Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science Seminar »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, addressed the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science Seminar in Melbourne on Tuesday 14 November 2017.
Supplementary Report to Brisbane Grammar and St Paul’s School released »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released a Supplementary Report to Case Study 34 after an anonymous tip helped reveal that former teacher Kevin Lynch was convicted of sexual offences in NSW before he began teaching in two schools in Queensland.
Report into problematic and harmful sexual behaviours of children in schools released »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse's Report of Case Study 45 - Problematic and harmful sexual behaviours of children in schools - was released today.
Justice McClellan addresses the Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy (ANZAP) 30th Anniversary Conference »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, addressed the Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy (ANZAP) 30th Anniversary Conference in Sydney on Saturday 30 September 2017.
Report into the Australian Defence Force released »
The Royal Commission‘s report of Case Study 40 – The Response of the Australian Defence Force to allegations of child sexual abuse – was released today.
Submissions for public hearing into children with problematic or harmful sexual behaviours in schools published »
The Royal Commission has published written submissions for the public hearing into children with problematic or harmful sexual behaviours in schools (Case Study 45).
Research explores the nature and extent of child sexual abuse in contemporary institutional settings »
Two new research reports, released by the Royal Commission, suggest that a significant proportion of reports to police of child sexual abuse in institutional settings involved another child as the person of interest.
Report on Criminal justice released »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released 85 recommendations aimed at reforming the Australian criminal justice system in order to provide a fairer response to victims of institutional child sexual abuse.
Justice McClellan addresses the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions NSW Conference »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission addressed the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions NSW Conference on Wednesday 2 August 2017.
Research suggests strong connection to culture can help protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from institutional… »
The Royal Commission has released a new research report that suggests strong connection to culture can help protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from sexual abuse in institutions.
Exhibits published about child sexual abuse in Catholic Church institutions »
The Royal Commission has published documents relating to Catholic Church Insurance (CCI) and the Society of St Gerard Majella that were tendered during the public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Australia.
Research finds misconceptions about memory may affect child sexual abuse prosecutions »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released a new research report about how memory affects child sexual abuse prosecutions.
Research identifies four dimensions of risk of child sexual abuse in institutional settings »
The Royal Commission has released a new research report that identifies four dimensions of risk of child sexual abuse in institutional settings.
Report into disability service providers released »
The Royal Commission’s Report of Case Study 41 - Institutional responses to allegations of the sexual abuse of children with disability, was released today.
Research identifies promising approaches for children with harmful or problem sexual behaviours »
The Royal Commission has released a new research report that finds children with problem or harmful sexual behaviours should have access to effective therapeutic services.
Vale Anthony Foster »
Chair of the Royal Commission Justice Peter McClellan said the Commissioners and staff of the Royal Commission are deeply saddened by the death of Anthony Foster. We extend our condolences to Chrissie Foster and her family.
Justice McClellan addresses National Council of Churches »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission addressed the National Council of Churches Conference in Melbourne on Tuesday 16 May, 2017.
Symposium on creating child safe institutions to be held »
Researchers from the University of New South Wales, the University of Sydney and the Australian Catholic University will next month present findings from three research projects on child safe institutions.
Justice McClellan addresses the Modern Prosecutor Conference »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, addressed the Modern Prosecutor Conference in Melbourne on Thursday 13 April, 2017.
Australian oversight bodies inconsistent in protecting children from sexual abuse in institutions »
A new research report finds Australian oversight bodies have inconsistent scope and powers in protecting children from sexual abuse in institutions.
Submissions for public hearing into Anglican Diocese of Newcastle published »
The Royal Commission has published the written submissions for the public hearing into the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle today.
Justice McClellan addresses Australian Lawyers Alliance Conference »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, addressed the Australian Lawyers Alliance 2017 NSW State Conference in Sydney on Friday 17 March 2017.
Research finds lack of coordination in child sexual abuse prevention »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released a new research report that finds there are limited programs and services to help prevent child sexual abuse and those that do exist are not well coordinated.
Research compares the recruitment and support of carers in out-of-home care across Australia »
The Royal Commission has released a new research report examining carer recruitment, training and support policies and processes in place across Australia that aim to enhance the safety of children in out-of-home care and prevent sexual abuse.
Research paper examining grooming released »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released a new research paper, Grooming and child sexual abuse in institutional contexts.
Public hearing into nature, cause and impact of child sexual abuse »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing commencing Monday 27 March 2017 in Sydney.
Public hearing into Commonwealth, State and Territory governments »
On 14 November 2016 the Royal Commission announced a series of public hearings to be held in Sydney to inquire into the current policies and procedures relating to child protection and child safety of various institutions.
Submissions on records and recordkeeping published »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published more than 40 submissions on records and recordkeeping practices in relation to child sexual abuse in institutions.
Report into RG Dance and the Australian Institute of Music released »
The Royal Commission's report of Case Study 37 - The responses of the Australian Institute of Music and RG Dance to allegations of child sexual abuse - was released today.
Report into Brisbane Grammar and St Paul's School released »
The Royal Commission's report into Case Study 34 - The response of Brisbane Grammar School and St Paul's School to allegations of child sexual abuse - was released today.
Report into Geelong Grammar School released »
The Royal Commission's report into Case Study 32 - the response of Geelong Grammar School to allegations of child sexual abuse of former students at the school - was released today.
Report into Church of England Boys’ Society and the Anglican Dioceses of Tasmania, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney released »
The Royal Commission's report of Case Study 36 - The response of the Church of England Boys' Society and the Anglican Dioceses of Tasmania, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney to allegations of child sexual abuse - was released today.
Thank you for your support in 2016 »
The Royal Commission would like to thank the community for its continuing support and important contribution to our work in 2016.
Research finds that children in residential care feel unsafe »
The Royal Commission has released a new research report exploring children and young people's views about their safety in residential care. Most of the children and young people who participated in the research described feeling unsafe in residential care due to bullying, harassment and the threat of sexual assault.
Submissions for public hearing into disability service providers published »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published the written submissions for the public hearing into disability service providers on its website.
Submissions for public hearing into Australian Defence Force published »
The Royal Commission has published the written submissions for the public hearing into the Australian Defence Force today.
Public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Maitland-Newcastle to resume in Sydney »
The Royal Commission will continue its public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Maitland-Newcastle (Case Study 43) on Friday 9 December 2016 for one day in Sydney.
Research report identifies aspects of organisational culture that may encourage child sexual abuse »
The Royal Commission has released a new research report investigating the role of organisational culture in institutional child sexual abuse. The research also identifies factors that can lead to successful organisational change and prevent child sexual abuse in institutions.
Submissions for public hearing into Brisbane Grammar School and St Paul’s School »
The Royal Commission has published the written submissions for the public hearing into Brisbane Grammar School and St Paul's School in Queensland on its website.
Report into sporting clubs released »
The Royal Commission's report into Case Study 39 - The response of certain football (soccer) and tennis and cricket organisations to allegations of child sexual abuse, was released today.
Submissions for public hearing into Church of England Boys’ Society published »
The Royal Commission has published the written submissions for the public hearing into the Church of England Boys' Society and the Anglican Dioceses of Tasmania, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane on its website.
Report released into Yeshiva Bondi and Yeshivah Melbourne »
The Royal Commission's report into Case Study 22 - the response of Yeshiva Bondi and Yeshivah Melbourne to allegations of child sexual abuse made against people associated with those institutions - was released today.
Report into Jehovah’s Witness organisations released »
The Royal Commission's report of Case Study 29: The response of the Jehovah's Witnesses and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia Ltd to allegations of child sexual abuse was released today.
Model bill to amend evidence laws released for consultation »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse today released model legislation to amend evidence laws. The model Bill aims to allow for greater admissibility of tendency and coincidence evidence and facilitate more joint trials.
Submissions to criminal justice consultation paper published »
The Royal Commission has published more than 70 submissions received from a range of individuals and organisations in response to its consultation paper on criminal justice issues.
Public hearing into criminal justice issues and consultation paper »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing on Monday, 28 November 2016.
Final hearings into various institutions »
The Royal Commission will hold a series of public hearings to inquire into the current policies and procedures of the following institutions in relation to child protection and child-safe standards, including responding to allegations of child sexual abuse.
Public hearing into Anglican Diocese of Newcastle to resume in Sydney »
The Royal Commission will continue its public hearing into the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle (Case Study 42) in Sydney on 16 November 2016.
Submissions for public hearing into Geelong Grammar published »
The Royal Commission has published the written submissions for the public hearing into the experiences of former students of Geelong Grammar School, Victoria.
Research report on disability and child sexual abuse in institutional contexts released »
The Royal Commission has released a research report which suggests that up to 14 per cent of children with disability are likely to experience sexual abuse.
Call for submissions about various religious institutions »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing commencing in February 2017 into the current policies and procedures of a number of religious institutions in relation to child protection and child-safe standards.
Submissions for public hearings into Ballarat and Melbourne Catholic Church authorities published »
The Royal Commission has published the written submissions for the public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat and the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
Listen and give us a say, children speak about their safety »
Researchers from Australian Catholic University (ACU) and Southern Cross University (SCU) will present findings involving 1,400 children and young people, including those with a disability.
Discussion paper on trauma-informed approaches to child sexual abuse released »
The Royal Commission has released a discussion paper examining the growing interest in trauma-informed care and the implementation of trauma-informed approaches to support survivors of trauma, including survivors of child sexual abuse.
Public hearing into the response to children with problematic or harmful sexual behaviours in schools »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing to inquire into the response to children with problematic or harmful sexual behaviours in schools.
New report notes risks for victims, perpetrators and institutions »
The Royal Commission has released a literature review examining international evidence of risk and protective factors for child sexual abuse in institutional contexts.
New research on perpetrators of child sexual abuse released »
A new research report examines available evidence regarding the characteristics, motivations and offending behaviour of child sexual abuse perpetrators in both institutional and non-institutional contexts.
Reminder to register for private sessions by 30 September »
Survivors of institutional child sexual abuse are reminded that they must register with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse by Friday 30 September 2016 if they wish to have a private session
New research identifies need for a national study into prevalence of child maltreatment »
Research conducted for the Royal Commission has considered the feasibility and need for a comprehensive study into the prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia.
Report into Satyananda Yoga Ashram released »
The Royal Commission's report into the response of the Satyananda Yoga Ashram at Mangrove Mountain NSW to allegations of child sexual abuse by the ashram's former spiritual leader in the 1970s and 1980s was released today.
Report into Victorian state run youth training and reception centres released »
The Royal Commission's report into the response of Turana, Winlaton and Baltara, Victoria Police and the Department of Health and Human Services Victoria to allegations of child sexual abusewas released today.
Report into Knox Grammar School and the Uniting Church released »
The Royal Commission's report into Case Study 23 - the response of Knox Grammar School and the Uniting Church of Australia to allegations of child sexual abuse at Knox Grammar School in Wahroonga - was released today.
Report into Salvation Army’s Southern Territory released »
The Royal Commission's report into the response of The Salvation Army (Southern Territory) to allegations of child sexual abuse at children's homes that it operated, was released today.
Public hearing into the response of the Catholic Church authorities to allegations of child sexual abuse by John Joseph Farrell »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing to inquire into the response of Catholic Church authorities to allegations of child sexual abuse by John Joseph Farrell.
Submissions published on best practice when responding to complaints of institutional child sexual abuse »
The Royal Commission has published 35 submissions received from a range of organisations and individuals in response to its consultation paper: Best practice principles in responding to complaints of child sexual abuse in institutional contexts.
Research reveals new insights on children’s views of safety »
A survey of over 1,000 children and young people reveals that over 40 percent would feel uncomfortable talking to an adult at school if they were in a situation where an adult or other young person made them feel uncomfortable.
Call for submissions about various institutions »
The Royal Commission will be holding public hearings in December 2016 into the current policies and procedures of each institution named in relation to child protection and child-safe standards.
Criminal justice consultation paper released »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse has released a consultation paper on criminal justice issues in child sexual abuse cases.
Consultation paper on records and recordkeeping released »
The Royal Commission has released a consultation paper that addresses records and record keeping practices in relation to child sexual abuse in institutional contexts.
Research released on the support needs of specific population groups »
A new report identifies the support needs of specific population groups including survivors of institutional child sexual abuse, survivors of child sexual abuse with disability, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander survivors of child sexual abuse.
Criminal justice research reports released »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released two research reports it commissioned on criminal justice issues that make significant findings about how child sexual abuse cases are handled in the criminal justice system.
Research released on long-term effects of disclosure »
A new research report conducted for the Royal Commission has examined the long-term effects of disclosures of institutional child sexual abuse on survivors and their families.
Audio stories give a voice to survivor stories »
The Royal Commission has published nine audio stories based on survivors' experiences as revealed in private sessions.
Justice McClellan addresses Judicial College of Victoria »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, is making an address today to the Judicial College of Victoria.
Royal Commission identifies what makes institutions child safe »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released a research report examining what elements make an institution 'child safe' using the opinions of a panel of Australian and international experts.
Public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Maitland-Newcastle to commence on Wednesday 31 August 2016 »
The Royal Commission's public hearing to inquire into the response of Catholic Church authorities in the Maitland-Newcastle region to allegations of child sexual abuse by clergy and religious will now commence on Wednesday 31 August 2016.
Statement on immigration detention centres »
The Royal Commission does not ordinarily comment upon operational matters. However, because of the level of public discussion in relation to immigration detention centres the Commission indicates the following.
Justice McClellan addresses Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies National Conference »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, addressed the Association of Children's Welfare Agencies National Conference in Sydney on Monday 15 August, 2016.
Submissions published on factors affecting the institutional response to child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published 44 submissions received in response to Issues Paper 11.
Further hearing date in Australian Defence Force public hearing »
The Royal Commission's public hearing into the Australian Defence Force will recommence for a further day of hearing in Sydney on Friday 26 August 2016.
Public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Maitland-Newcastle »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing to inquire into the response of Catholic Church authorities in the Maitland-Newcastle region to allegations of child sexual abuse by clergy and religious. The public hearing will commence on 29 August 2016 in Newcastle.
Submissions published on institutional responses to child sexual abuse in out-of-home care »
The Royal Commission has published 55 submissions received from service providers, peak bodies, advocacy groups, statutory bodies, government agencies and academics in response to its consultation paper on out-of-home care.
Royal Commission launches advertising campaign to close registrations for private sessions »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse has launched a nationwide advertising campaign to announce registrations for private sessions will close on 30 September 2016.
Public hearing into Anglican Diocese of Newcastle »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Newcastle, commencing Tuesday 2 August 2016.
Public hearing into disability service providers »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing Monday 11 July 2016 at 10.00am AEST.
Public roundtable to examine response from police and other agencies »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will host a public roundtable on 15 June to discuss responses to child sexual abuse when there is a multi-disciplinary approach from police and other agencies.
Royal Commission holds community forum in Bathurst »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, together with Relationships Australia NSW, will hold a community forum in Bathurst on 14 June 2016.
Royal Commission releases world’s largest study of jury behaviour »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will today launch the report of a major empirical study into how juries reason when deliberating on multiple counts of child sexual abuse.
Royal Commission releases research on information sharing »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released two research reports, with the first examining information-sharing frameworks and the second examining best practice in implementation.
Public hearing into the Australian Defence Force »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Sydney from Tuesday 21 June 2016 commencing at 10:00am AEST.
Indigenous survivors reminded registrations to close for private sessions »
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders survivors of institutional child sexual abuse are reminded that they must register with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse by 30 September 2016 if they wish to have a private session.
Royal Commission seeks submissions regarding Catholic Church »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has invited submissions from individuals and organisations about any factors which may have contributed to the occurrence of child sexual abuse in Catholic institutions, or affected the institutional response to child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church.
Submissions published on advocacy and support and therapeutic treatment services »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published submissions from individual victims and survivors, service providers, statutory bodies, government agencies and peak bodies to its issues paper on advocacy and support and therapeutic treatment services.
Royal Commission closes registrations for private sessions »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is closing registrations for private sessions on 30 September 2016.
Further hearing dates in Case Study 35 »
The Royal Commission will hold a further day of hearings in relation to Case Study 35 (Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne) in Sydney on Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 11.15 am.
Report into St Joseph’s Orphanage released »
The Royal Commission's report into Case Study 26 - the response of the Sisters of Mercy, the Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton and the Queensland Government to allegations of child sexual abuse at St Joseph's Orphanage, Neerkol, was released today.
Royal Commission releases findings into health care providers and regulators »
Royal Commission releases findings into health care providers and regulators The Royal Commission's Report of Case Study 27 - The response of health care service providers and regulators in New South Wales and Victoria to allegations of child sexual abuse - was released today.
Royal Commission hosts criminal justice public roundtables »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is holding a series of public roundtables in April to discuss a range of criminal justice issues with invited participants.
Royal Commission holds its 5,000th private session »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has just completed its 5,000th private session.
Directions hearing called in Case Study 28 and Case Study 35 »
The Royal Commission has called a directions hearing in relation to Case Study 28 (Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat) and Case Study 35 (Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne) to be held in Sydney on Wednesday 13 April 2016.
Case Study 23 Knox Grammar School application ruling »
The Royal Commission will deliver a ruling on an application by a party for non-publication orders in relation to the Royal Commission's Case Study 23: Knox Grammar School public hearing.
Royal Commission releases consultation paper on responding to complaints of child sexual abuse »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released a consultation paper on best practices in responding to complaints of child sexual abuse in institutions.
Public hearing into sporting clubs and institutions »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing on Monday 4 April 2016 at 10.00am AEST.
Royal Commission releases consultation paper on out-of-home care »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has released a consultation paper on out-of-home care today.
Criminal justice research to inform upcoming public hearing »
The Royal Commission has released three papers on the criminal justice system ahead of a national two week public hearing commencing on 15 March.
Cardinal Pell to give evidence from Hotel Quirinale in Rome »
The Royal Commission will hear evidence from Cardinal George Pell from 29 February 2016 as part of its public hearings into Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat and the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
Child sexual abuse in the Australian Defence Force Cadets »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse would like anyone who has information regarding child sexual abuse within the Australian Defence Force Cadets to contact the Royal Commission.
Public hearing into Centres for the performing arts »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing on Wednesday 2 March 2016 at 2.00pm AEDT.
Public hearing into Criminal justice issues »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing on Tuesday 15 March 2016 at 10.00am AEDT.
Public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing commencing Monday 22 February 2016 at the Ballarat Magistrates Court.
Directions hearing decision »
The Royal Commission will deliver its decision on Monday in relation to an application made by Cardinal George Pell to give evidence in Case Study 28 (Ballarat) and Case Study 35 (Archdiocese of Melbourne) by video link from Rome.
Research report released on how young people with disability view their safety »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse today published a research report it commissioned that explores how children and young people with disability view their safety and safety needs within institutions.
Directions hearing called »
The Royal Commission has called a directions hearing to be held in Sydney on Friday 5 February 2016.
Submissions published for Victorian state run youth training and reception centres public hearing »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published the written submissions for the public hearing into Victorian state run youth training and reception centres on its website.
Directions hearing called »
The Royal Commission has called a directions hearing to be held in Sydney on Friday 5 February 2016 at 10 am immediately following the directions hearing in relation to Cardinal Pell.
Contacting the Royal Commission this holiday season »
The Royal Commission thanks the community for its support and contribution to our work this year.
Directions hearing called »
The Royal Commission has called adirections hearing to be held in Sydney on Friday 5 February 2016.
Report into The Hutchins School released »
The Royal Commission's report of Case Study No. 20 - The response of The Hutchins School and the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania to allegations of child sexual abuse at the school- was released today.
Report into Bethcar Children's Home case study released »
The Royal Commission's report of Case Study 19 - The response by the State of New South Wales to child sexual abuse at Bethcar Children's Home in Brewarrina New South Wales, was released today.
Report into swimming institutions case study released »
The Royal Commission's report of Case Study 15 -The response of swimming institutions, the Queensland and NSW Offices of the DPP and the Queensland Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian to allegations of child sexual abuse by swimming coaches -was released today.
Report into Marist Brothers case study released »
The Royal Commission's report of Case Study no. 13 - The response of the Marist Brothers to allegations of child sexual abuse against Brothers Kostka Chute and Gregory Sutton was released today.
Cardinal George Pell will not appear next week in Melbourne »
Cardinal Pell will not be giving evidence in Melbourne next week.
Public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat »
The Royal Commission will hold the second part of the public hearing regarding Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat at the County Court of Victoria, Melbourne, commencing on Monday 7 December 2015.
Submissions for Jehovah’s Witnesses public hearing published »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published the written submissions for the Jehovah's Witnesses public hearing on its website.
Public hearing into Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing to inquire into the response of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne to allegations of child sexual abuse.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into Church of England Boys' Society »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing commencing Wednesday 27 January 2016 at the Federal Court in Hobart.
Continuation of Brisbane Grammar and St Paul's School public hearing »
The Royal Commission's public hearing into Brisbane Grammar and St Paul's School (Case Study 34) will recommence in Melbourne on Monday 30 November 2015 at 4.30 pm AEDT.
Justice McClellan addresses Australian and New Zealand Regional Conference of the International Society for the Study of… »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, addressed the Australian and New Zealand Regional Conference of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation in Sydney on 28 November.
Public hearing into Brisbane Grammar School and St Paul’s School to recommence »
The Royal Commission's public hearing into Brisbane Grammar School and St Paul's School will recommence in Melbourne on Monday 30 November.
Findings released into Australian Christian Churches and affiliated Pentecostal churches »
The Royal Commission's report of Case Study 18 - the response of Australian Christian Churches and affiliated Pentecostal churches to allegations of child sexual abuse - was released today.
Royal Commission calls for information about child sexual abuse at The King’s School and Tudor House Preparatory School »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse would like anyone who has information regarding child sexual abuse at The King's School in North Parramatta, NSW and Tudor House Preparatory School in Moss Vale, NSW to contact the Royal Commission.
Submissions published on risk of child sexual abuse in schools »
The Royal Commission has published 33 submissions from schools, government and non-government organisations in response to its issues paper on addressing the risk of child sexual abuse in schools.
Submissions published for police and prosecution responses issues paper »
The Royal Commission has published 24 submissions from organisations and those with professional experience in response to its issues paper on police and prosecution responses to institutional child sexual abuse.
Public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat »
The Royal Commission will hold the second part of the public hearing regarding Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat at the County Court of Victoria, Melbourne.
Public hearing into Geelong Grammar School to recommence »
The Royal Commission's public hearing into Geelong Grammar School will recommence in Sydney on Thursday 22 October and Friday 23 October 2015.
Research report released on understanding failure to identify and report child sexual abuse »
When it comes to understanding why some institutions fail to identify and report child sexual abuse, research released by the Royal Commission suggests that a new approach that seeks a deeper understanding of why errors occur would be more effective in encouraging safe practices in the future.
Issues paper released into advocacy and support, and therapeutic treatment services »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is calling for submissions from interested parties on issues relating to advocacy and support and therapeutic treatment services.
Public hearing into Brisbane Grammar School and St Paul’s School »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Brisbane commencing on Tuesday, 3 November 2015 at the Brisbane Magistrates Court.
Submissions for Yeshivah Melbourne and Yeshiva Bondi public hearing published »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published the written submissions into the Yeshivah Melbourne and Yeshiva Bondi public hearing.
Call for information about child sexual abuse in sporting clubs »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse would like to hear from anyone who has information regarding child sexual abuse in sporting clubs or associations.
Report into the Melbourne Response released »
The Royal Commission's report of Case Study 16 - the Melbourne Response was released today. The Melbourne Response is the Archdiocese of Melbourne's process for responding to those who have been sexually abused by priests, religious and lay persons within the Archdiocese of Melbourne. It was announced by the then Archbishop Pell in 1996.
Report on redress and civil litigation released today »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse's report on redress and civil litigation was released today.
Directions hearing vacated »
The Royal Commission directions hearing in relation to Case Study 33 listed in Sydney at 10:00am AEST on Monday 14 September 2015 has been vacated and will no longer proceed.
Justice McClellan to address National Council of Churches in Australia Conference »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, will address the Safe as Churches? conference hosted by the National Council of Churches in Australia in Sydney today.
Oral submissions into Yeshivah Melbourne and Yeshiva Bondi »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will hear oral submissions in relation to the public hearing for Case Study 22 on Thursday 17 September 2015.
Public hearing into Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne and continuation of Ballarat hearing »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing to inquire into the response of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne to allegations of child sexual abuse.
Public hearing into Geelong Grammar »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Melbourne commencing on 1 September 2015 at the County Court of Victoria, 250 William Street, Melbourne.
Submissions for Health Care Providers and Regulators public hearing published »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published on its website the written submissions provided to the Royal Commission in relation to the public hearing for Case Study 27: Health Care Providers and Regulators.
Submissions for St Joseph’s Orphanage, Neerkol public hearing published »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published on its website the written submissions provided to the Royal Commission in relation to the public hearing for Case Study 26: St Joseph's Orphanage, Neerkol.
Public hearing into The Salvation Army (Southern Territory) »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Adelaide commencing on 6 October 2015 at the Roma Mitchell Commonwealth Law Court Building, 3 Angas Street, Adelaide.
Findings released into the Retta Dixon Home in Darwin »
The Royal Commission's Report of Case Study 17 - The response of the Australian Indigenous Ministries, the Australian and Northern Territory governments and the Northern Territory police force and prosecuting authorities to allegations of child sexual abuse which occurred at the Retta Dixon Home, was released today.
Report on Working With Children Checks released today »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse final report on Working With Children Checks...
Victorian state run youth training and reception centres public hearing »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Melbourne commencing on Monday 17 August 2015.
Submissions for Knox Grammar School public hearing published »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published the written submissions into the Knox Grammar School public hearing on its website.
Public hearing into the Jehovah’s Witnesses to recommence »
The Royal Commission's public hearing into the Jehovah's Witnesses will recommence in Sydney on Friday 14 August 2015 at 11:00am.
Oral Submissions to be held for Case Study 23 Knox Grammar School »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will hear oral submissions in relation to Case Study 23 into Knox Grammar School on Monday 10 August 2015.
Public hearing to hear evidence from Retired Bishop Geoffrey Robinson »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney on Monday 24 August 2015.
Report into an independent school in Perth »
The Royal Commission's report of Case Study no. 12 - the response of an independent school in Perth to concerns raised about the conduct of a teacher between 1999 and 2009 was released today.
New research on children’s views of safety »
The research, "Taking Us Seriously: Children and young people talk about safety and institutional responses to their safety concerns" was conducted by the Australian Catholic University in partnership with Griffith University and the Queensland University of Technology.
Report of Case Study 10 released »
The Royal Commission's Report of Case Study no. 10 - the Salvation Army's handling of claims of child sexual abuse 1989 to 2014 was released today.
Issues paper on the risk of child sexual abuse in schools »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse today released an issues paper on addressing the risk of child sexual abuse in primary and secondary schools.
Second stage of public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat »
The second stage of Case Study 28 will be held from 23 November 2015 in Melbourne.
Public hearing into the Jehovah’s Witnesses »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing on 27 July 2015 at 10:00am.
Public hearing into Victorian state run youth training and reception centres »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Melbourne from Monday 17 August 2015.
Research report into sentencing for child sexual abuse in institutional contexts released »
The Royal Commission has released a report that examines sentencing law and practice in Australia as it relates to institutional child sexual abuse.
Justice McClellan to address Uniting Church Australia’s 14th Assembly »
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, will make an address at the Uniting Church in Australia's 14th Assembly meeting in Perth on Wednesday 15 July.
Directions hearing called »
The Royal Commission has called a directions hearing to be held in Sydney at 9.30am AEST on Friday 10 July 2015.
Submissions for Satyananda Yoga Ashram public hearing published »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published the written submissions into the Satyananda Yoga Ashram public hearing on its website.
Remaining submissions for redress consultation paper published »
The Royal Commission has published further submissions in response to its consultation paper on redress and civil litigation, released by the Royal Commission 30 January 2015.
Public hearing into out-of-home care to resume »
The Royal Commission will resume its public hearing in Sydney from Monday 29 June 2015 at 10:00am. The hearing is currently scheduled to run for one week.
Child sexual abuse in the entertainment industry »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse would like to hear from anyone who has experienced, or has information regarding, child sexual abuse in institutions in the entertainment industry.
Royal Commission to hold community forum in Warrnambool »
Warrnambool residents are invited to learn more about the work of the Royal Commission at a community information forum on Wednesday 17 June.
Child sexual abuse at Geelong Grammar School »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse would like anyone who has information regarding child sexual abuse at Geelong Grammar School to contact the Royal Commission.
Royal Commission to resume public hearing into out-of-home care »
The Royal Commission will resume its public hearing in Sydney from Monday 29 June 2015.
Report of Case Study 9 released »
The Royal Commission's Report of Case Study no. 9 - the responses of the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide and the South Australian Police to allegations of child sexual abuse at St Ann's Special School, was released today.
Submissions due for issues paper on police and prosecution responses »
The Royal Commission is seeking submissions on its issues paper relating to the criminal justice system.
Royal Commission releases implementation report »
The Royal Commission has released a report that assesses the extent to which recommendations from previous, relevant inquiries have been implemented.
Further submissions for redress consultation paper published »
The Royal Commission has published further submissions in response to its consultation paper on redress and civil litigation, released by the Royal Commission 30 January 2015.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Ballarat »
The Royal Commission will hold public hearings in Ballarat. The first public hearing commences on Tuesday 19 May 2015 and the second will commence on a date to be announced.
Royal Commission to hold community forums in Bunbury »
Bunbury residents are invited to learn more about the work of the Royal Commission at two community information forums on Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 May.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Cairns »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will hold nine private sessions in Cairns on 12 and 13 May 2015.
Royal Commission calls for submissions on experiences of police and prosecution responses »
The Royal Commission is seeking community views on its latest issues paper looking at the criminal justice system including police responses and prosecution processes to child sexual abuse in institutional contexts.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into health care providers and regulators »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Sydney commencing 6 May 2015 at 10:00am.
Oral Submissions to be held for Case Study 21 Satyananda Yoga Ashram »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will hear oral submissions in relation to Case Study 21 into the Satyananda Yoga Ashram on Wednesday 29 April 2015.
Royal Commission public hearing into Knox Grammar School to re-commence »
The Royal Commission public hearing into Knox Grammar School will re-commence on Tuesday 28 April 2015 at 9:00am.
Public hearing into St Joseph’s Orphanage, Neerkol »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on Tuesday 14 April 2015 at the Rockhampton Court House, Virgil Power Building, 46 East Street, Rockhampton.
Royal Commission releases report on effectiveness of current child sexual abuse prevention programs for pre-schoolers »
The Royal Commission has released a report that reviews evidence of the effectiveness of child sexual abuse prevention programs for pre-schoolers.
Royal Commission to hold community forum in Launceston »
Launceston residents are invited to learn more about the work of the Royal Commission at a community information forum in Launceston on Wednesday 15 April.
Submissions for redress consultation paper published »
The Royal Commission has published the submissions of all governments, as well as non-government organisations and individuals expected to attend the public hearing on redress and civil litigation commencing this Wednesday 25 March 2015.
Royal Commission releases findings on The Salvation Army case study »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published the 'Report of Case Study No. 5: The response of The Salvation Army to child sexual abuse at its boys homes in New South Wales and Queensland'.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Townsville »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will hold private sessions in Townsville for the first time from 17 to 20 March 2015.
Royal Commission to hold hearing into Redress and civil litigation »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Sydney commencing Wednesday 25 March 2015 at 10.00 am.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into out-of-home care »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Sydney from Tuesday 10 March 2015 starting at 10.00 am. The hearing is currently scheduled to run for two weeks.
Public hearing into St Joseph’s Orphanage, Neerkol »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing commencing on Tuesday 14 April 2015 at the Rockhampton Court House, Virgil Power Building, 46 East Street, Rockhampton.
Research report on effectiveness of pre-employment screening »
The Royal Commission has released a report that examines issues related to the effectiveness of pre-employment screening in preventing child sexual abuse within institutions.
Public hearing into Knox Grammar School to commence Monday »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Sydney scheduled for two weeks from 23 February 2015 at 10.00 am.
Royal Commission releases report on effectiveness of OOHC practices in preventing child sexual abuse »
The Royal Commission has released a report examining issues related to the effectiveness of practices in out-of-home care in preventing child sexual abuse within institutions.
Royal Commission releases findings on the Toowoomba case study »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published the 'Report of Case Study No. 6: The response of a primary school and the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office to the conduct of Gerard Byrnes.'
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Newcastle »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will hold private sessions in Newcastle from 24 - 27 February 2015.
Royal Commission to hold community forum in Lismore »
Northern Rivers residents are invited to learn more about the work of the Royal Commission at a community information forum in Lismore on Thursday 19 February 2015.
Royal Commission releases findings on Towards Healing »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has published two reports; 'Report of Case Study 4: The experiences of four survivors with the Towards Healing process' and 'Report of Case Study 8: Mr John Ellis's experience of the Towards Healing process and civil litigation'.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into out-of-home care »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney from Tuesday 10 March 2015.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into Yeshivah Melbourne and Yeshiva Bondi »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Melbourne commencing on Monday 2 February 2015.
Royal Commission releases consultation paper on redress and civil litigation »
The Hon Justice Peter McClellan AM, Chair of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, has launched a consultation paper on redress and civil litigation in Sydney today.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into Knox Grammar School »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Sydney commencing 23 February 2015 at 10.00 am.
Royal Commission to visit Rockhampton and Woorabinda »
Residents of Rockhampton and Woorabinda can learn first-hand about the work of the Royal Commission at two community information forums on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 January.
Submissions for Bethcar Children’s Home and Australian Christian Churches published »
The Royal Commission has published the written submissions for the Bethcar Children's Home and the Australian Christian Churches public hearings.
Royal Commission releases findings on the responses of the Christian Brothers in Western Australia and the Catholic Diocese of… »
The Royal Commission has published two reports for Case Study 11 and Case Study 14.
Submissions for Case Study 17 on the Retta Dixon Home public hearing »
The Royal Commission will hear oral submissions in relation to the Retta Dixon Home public hearing on Monday 17 November 2014.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into Satyananda Yoga Ashram »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Sydney from 2 December 2014 at 10.00 am.
Royal Commission releases report on Parramatta Training School for Girls and the Institution for Girls in Hay »
The report of Case Study No. 7 concerning child sexual abuse at the Parramatta Training School for Girls and the Institution for Girls in Hay was tabled in the Commonwealth parliament today.
Submissions for Case Study 15 into Swimming Australia published »
The Royal Commission has published written submissions for the Swimming Australia public hearing.
Submissions for Case Study 12 public hearing published »
The Royal Commission has published the written submissions into the Perth school public hearing.
Royal Commission releases findings on the North Coast Children’s Home »
A report published by the Royal Commission has found the Anglican Diocese of Grafton denied responsibility for sexual abuse that took place at a children's home established by its local rector on church land.
Royal Commission Chair delivers speech to mark Blue Knot Day »
The Chair of the Royal Commission, Justice Peter McClellan, today addressed an event to mark Blue Knot Day at Parliament House in Canberra.
Research reveals a dark history of children’s institutions in Australia »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse this week released three research reports that shed light on the history of child protection legislation in Australia, out-of-home care residential institutions and past inquiries that have reviewed these institutions.
14th International Criminal Law Congress 2014 »
Justice Peter McClellan Chair of the Royal Commission, delivered an address to the 14th International Criminal Law Congress 2014 in Melbourne in October.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into the Hutchins School, Hobart »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing at the Hobart Federal Court from 19 November 2014 at 10:00am AEST.
Australian Christian Churches public hearing to commence next Tuesday »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing Tuesday 7 October 2014 at 10:30am.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into Bethcar Children’s Home »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Sydney from 22 October 2014 at 10:00am.
Royal Commission calls for Indigenous survivors to share their story »
Indigenous communities in the Top End are encouraged to learn more about the Royal Commission and share their story of child sexual abuse in an institution.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into Australian Christian Churches »
The Royal Commission is holding a public hearing in Sydney from 7 October 2014 at 10.30am.
Public hearing into the Retta Dixon home to commence next Monday »
The Royal Commission will hold its first public hearing in Darwin commencing Monday 22 September 2014 at 10:00am ACST.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Ballarat »
The Royal Commission will be holding private sessions in Ballarat from 9 - 11 September 2014.
Royal Commission publishes two research reports »
The Royal Commission has today published two research reports by the Australian Institute of Criminology...
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into the Retta Dixon Home »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Darwin commencing on Monday 22 September 2014 into the Retta Dixon Home.
Royal Commission publishes submissions on statutory victims of crime compensation schemes »
The Royal Commission has published 42 submissions in response to its recent issues paper on statutory victims of crime compensation schemes.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Launceston »
The Royal Commission will be holding private sessions in Launceston from 26 - 29 August 2014.
Royal Commission consults on redress and civil litigation »
The Royal Commission will hold a week of private roundtables with invited experts to discuss redress and civil litigation.
Royal Commission publishes two research reports »
The Royal Commission has today published two research reports into aspects related to child sexual abuse.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing in Melbourne »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Melbourne commencing on Monday 18 August 2014.
Royal Commission to visit Geelong »
People in Geelong are invited to learn more about the work of the Royal Commission at a community information forum next month.
Record number of submissions received on redress »
The Royal Commission has published 78 submissions in response to its recent issues paper on redress schemes.
Royal Commission forum for deaf and hard of hearing »
The Royal Commission held a national information session in Sydney for people who are deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Darwin »
The Royal Commission will be holding private sessions in Darwin next week.
Forum for people with disability in Sydney »
People with disability have been invited to attend an important information session in Sydney next month to find out more about the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Royal Commission to hold forum for deaf and hard of hearing »
People who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing are invited to attend a community information session in Parramatta on Monday 4 August 2014, to find out more about the work of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Forum for people with disability in Melbourne »
The disability community will gather in Melbourne later this month to find out more about the work of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Royal Commission releases short films »
The Royal Commission has released five short films showcasing the work of the Royal Commission and encouraging survivors of child sexual abuse in an institution to share their story.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Brisbane »
The Royal Commission will hold 12 days of private sessions in Brisbane over the next three weeks.
Royal Commission to hold community forum in Bendigo »
Bendigo residents are invited to learn more about the work of the Royal Commission at a community information forum on Wednesday 23 July.
Second case study report now available »
The Royal Commission's second case study report, Report of Case Study No. 2: YMCA NSW's response to the conduct of Jonathan Lord, is now available.
Interim Report now available »
The Royal Commission interim report, which was released by the Government today, is now available.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into Diocese of Wollongong »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing on Tuesday 24 June 2014 into the response of the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong to allegations of child sexual abuse against John Gerard Nestor.
Oral submissions for Salvation Army public hearings to be held Monday 23 June 2014 »
The Royal Commission will hear oral submissions in relation to two public hearings into The Salvation Army on Monday 23 June at 10am.
Perth independent public school hearing continues on Friday 20 June 2014 »
The Royal Commission's public hearing into a Perth independent school will continue in Sydney on Friday 20 June 2014 at 11:00am.
Royal Commission staff visit Central West NSW »
People living in Central West New South Wales who experienced child sexual abuse while in the care of an institution are encouraged to share their story with the Royal Commission.
Royal Commission announces public hearing into Swimming Australia »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing on Monday 7 July 2014 into the response of Swimming Australia Ltd to allegations of child sexual abuse.
Justice McClellan to host roundtable on Working With Children Checks »
The Chair of the Royal Commission Justice McClellan, together with Commissioner Fitzgerald, will host a roundtable in Canberra to discuss Working With Children Checks on Monday 16 June 2014.
Justice McClellan delivers opening address at International Men’s Health Week symposium »
The Chair of the Royal Commission Justice Peter McClellan AM made the opening address at a symposium aimed at Improving Responses to Men Sexually Abused in Childhood in Brisbane today.
Royal Commission to hold roundtable on Working With Children Checks »
The Royal Commission will hold a roundtable in Canberra to discuss Working With Children Checks.
Royal Commission calls for submissions on victims of crime compensation schemes »
The Royal Commission today released an issues paper on statutory victims of crime compensation schemes and their effectiveness for those who experience child sexual abuse while in the care of an institution.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Adelaide »
The Royal Commission will hold two days of private sessions in Adelaide commencing on 29 May.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Hobart »
The Royal Commission will hold private sessions in Hobart during the week commencing 2 June 2014.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Melbourne »
Royal Commission CEO Janette Dines said private sessions are an important way for Commissioners to hear first-hand about the impact of child sexual abuse and to better understand how it might be prevented in the future.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing in Canberra »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Canberra commencing Tuesday 10 June 2014.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in Brisbane »
From today, the Royal Commission will hold 7 days of private sessions in Brisbane over the next two weeks.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in the Kimberley »
The Royal Commission is encouraging people in the Kimberley who have experienced child sexual abuse in an institution to express their interest in attending a private session.
Royal Commission calls directions hearing relating to Perth independent school public hearing »
The Royal Commission has called a directions hearing to be held in Perth at 9:00am AWST on Wednesday 7 May 2014.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into an independent school in Perth »
Royal Commission will hold a second public hearing in Perth commencing Monday 19 May 2014.
Community forum to be held in Canberra »
The Royal Commission, together with the ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS), will hold a community forum in Canberra next week.
Royal Commission visits Port Augusta »
The Royal Commission is visiting Port Augusta this week as part of its national community engagement program.
Royal Commission calls for survivors of child sexual abuse to share their story »
The Royal Commission is today launching a national public awareness campaign calling for survivors of child sexual abuse to come forward to share their story.
First case study report now available »
The Royal Commission has made available the report of its first public hearing - the Report of Case Study No. 1: The response of institutions to the conduct of Steven Larkins.
Royal Commission receives submissions on civil litigation »
The Royal Commission has received more than 40 submissions on its fifth issues paper, on civil litigation.
Royal Commission calls for submissions on redress schemes »
The Royal Commission today released an issues paper on the effectiveness of redress schemes in relation to child sexual abuse in institutions.
Royal Commission presents first case study findings »
The Royal Commission today presented the report of its first case study to the Governor-General and Governors of each State.
Royal Commission roundtable on out-of-home care »
The Royal Commission will hold a roundtable in Sydney tomorrow to discuss the prevention of child sexual abuse in out-of-home care.
Royal Commission announces first public hearing to be held in Perth »
A public hearing will commence in Perth on 28 April 2014 into the experiences of a number of men who were resident at Christian Brothers' residences in Western Australia.
Royal Commission returns to the Kimberley »
The Royal Commission has returned to the Kimberley this week.
Royal Commission visits Geraldton »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse arrived in Geraldton this week to meet with community groups and service providers in the region.
Second public hearing into The Salvation Army to commence Thursday »
The second public hearing into The Salvation Army by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will commence in Sydney on Thursday 27 March 2014.
Royal Commission to hold roundtable on out-of-home care »
The Royal Commission will hold a roundtable in Sydney next month to discuss the prevention of child sexual abuse in out-of-home care.
Royal Commission to hold community information forum in Ballarat »
The Royal Commission will be holding a community information forum in Ballarat on Wednesday 19 March 2014.
Royal Commission officers to visit Ballarat and Bendigo »
Officers of the Royal Commission will visit Ballarat and Bendigo this week.
Royal Commission announces first public hearing to be held in Adelaide »
A public hearing will commence in Adelaide on 17 March 2014 into the responses into the responses by the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide and the South Australia Police to allegations of child sexual abuse at St Ann's Special School.
Royal Commission to inquire into the Catholic Church and Towards Healing »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing Monday 10 March 2014 into the response of the Catholic Church.
Public hearing into Parramatta Girls Home to commence Wednesday 26 February »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing Wednesday 26 February 2014 into the experience of women who were sexually abused as children, between 1950-1974, while residing in two institutions which were within the responsibility of the NSW Government...
Royal Commissioners visit Coffs Harbour for the first time »
The Royal Commission, together with the Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre, will be holding a community information forum in Coffs Harbour on 12 February 2014.
Sixth public hearing by Royal Commission to be held in Brisbane in February »
The first public hearing to be held outside Sydney by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will commence in Brisbane on 17 February.
Royal Commission marks its one year anniversary »
The Royal Commission has marked the first anniversary of its establishment with the release of more detailed information about its work in the past 12 months.
Royal Commission releases its ‘roadmap’ for addressing justice for victims »
The Royal Commission today released a paper outlining its approach to examining the scope of justice for victims, 'Justice for Victims: Addressing or Alleviating the Impact of Child Sexual Abuse in Institutions'.
Royal Commission announces public hearing into The Salvation Army »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has today announced the first public hearing for 2014.
Royal Commission calls for victims from the Anglican diocese of Adelaide »
Members of the public, who suffered sexual abuse as a child within the Anglican Church and have subsequently made a claim to the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide since 2004, are asked to contact the Royal Commission.
Royal Commission to hold public hearing into Towards Healing Starting 9 December »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing Monday 9 December 2013.
Royal Commission arrives in Cairns »
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is visiting Cairns for the first time this week to hear from people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.
Public hearing commencing 9 December 2013 »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing Monday 9 December 2013.
Royal Commission public hearing starts on 18 November 2013 »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney, beginning on Monday 18 November 2013.
Royal Commission returns to Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide »
The Royal Commission is returning to Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia this week to hear from people who suffered institutional child sexual abuse.
Royal Commission calls for victims from the North Coast Children’s Home »
The Royal Commission is calling on former residents of the North Coast Children's Home in Lismore NSW, who suffered child sexual abuse, to come forward.
Royal Commission publishes submissions on Creating Child Safe Institutions »
The Royal Commission's third issues paper on Creating Child Safe Institutions has attracted more than 50 submissions*, including from the Salvation Army, Australian Human Rights Commission and the Truth Justice and Healing Council.
Public hearing commencing 18 November 2013 »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney commencing Monday 18 November 2013.
Royal Commission public hearing starts on 21 October 2013 »
The Royal Commission will hold its second public hearing in Sydney, beginning on Monday 21 October 2013.
Royal Commission visits the Northern Territory »
The Royal Commission has been in the Northern Territory this week meeting with victims of child sexual abuse.
Royal Commission returns to Perth to hear more stories from survivors of institutional child sexual abuse »
The Royal Commission will hold more face-to-face private sessions with Commissioners in Perth commencing 8 October.
Royal Commission returns to Melbourne to hear more stories from survivors of institutional child sexual abuse »
The Royal Commission will hold more face-to-face private sessions with Commissioners in Melbourne commencing 7 October.
Towards Healing public submissions now available »
The Royal Commission's second issues paper on Towards Healing has attracted 15 institutional or academic submissions from around Australia, including a submission from the Truth Justice and Healing Council, with a further 29 submissions setting out personal experiences.
Royal Commission returns to Canberra to hear more stories from survivors of institutional child sexual abuse »
The Royal Commission will hold more face-to-face private sessions with Commissioners in Canberra commencing 2 October.
Royal Commission calls for victims from the North Coast Children’s Home »
The Royal Commission is calling on former residents of the North Coast Children's Home, who suffered child sexual abuse, to come forward and tell their story.
Royal Commission returns to Queensland to hear more stories from survivors of institutional child sexual abuse »
The Royal Commission will hold more face-to-face private sessions with Commissioners in Brisbane the week commencing 30th September.
Public hearings announced for remainder of 2013 »
The Royal Commission has announced the matters to be investigated in the three remaining public hearings in 2013.
Fourth issues paper released »
Call for submissions - preventing sexual abuse of children in out-of-home care.
Royal Commission arrives in Hobart »
The Royal Commission will be holding private sessions in Tasmania from 10 September.
Public submissions on Working With Children Checks »
The Royal Commission's first issues paper on Working With Children Checks has attracted *55 submissions from around Australia so far.
Royal Commission to hold private sessions in the Northern Territory »
The Royal Commission is heading to the Northern Territory.
Royal Commission to hold more private sessions in Queensland »
The Royal Commissionis back in Queensland for private sessions the week beginning 9 September.
Royal Commission arrives in Melbourne »
The Royal Commission will be holding private sessions in Melbourne this week.
Royal Commission visits Kimberley communities »
Aboriginal community organisations in Broome, Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek and Kununurra will meet with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse next week.
Public hearing to commence 16 September 2013 »
The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Sydney on Monday 16 September 2013.
Royal Commission arrives in Canberra »
The Royal Commission will be holding private sessions in Canberra this week.
Call for submissions – child safe institutions »
The Royal Commission today released its third issues paper and is inviting the public to contribute ideas and expertise on the best ways to create child safe institutions.
Royal Commission arrives in Geraldton »
Representatives of Aboriginal community organisations met with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Geraldton today.