Audio stories give a voice to survivor stories
Audio stories give a voice to survivor stories
The Royal Commission has published nine audio stories based on survivors’ experiences as revealed in private sessions.
These stories are accurate summaries of what was said in the private session, and use real quotes taken from the session. However, names have been changed and the stories have been narrated by actors to protect the identity of the survivors.
Royal Commission CEO Philip Reed said the stories promote community awareness of the impacts of child sexual abuse, while protecting the privacy of private session attendees.
“Bearing witness to the experiences of survivors in private sessions has been a defining feature of this Royal Commission,” Mr Reed said.
“Commissioners have now heard more than 5,500 stories in private sessions,” Mr Reed said.
“These stories have given them insight into what happened, the impact of the abuse, and what could be done to help prevent this occurring in the future.
“By publishing these audio stories the Royal Commission is giving all Australians an opportunity to better understand these events and play a part in keeping children safe,” Mr Reed said.
The nine private session stories published this week are narrated by actors. They tell of abuse that occurred in schools, children’s homes, state-run institutions and Aboriginal missions.
“Survivors of child sexual abuse in an institution come from all walks of life,” said Mr Reed.
“The stories released this week are just a small sample of the many circumstances and institutions recounted to the Royal Commission in private sessions”.
Register for private sessions before they close on 30 September this year.
Listen to the audio stories.
Tracey: Tracey's story takes place at a Uniting Church school in the 1980s. Tracey was 15 years old.
Stan: Stan's story takes place at a Christian Brothers' orphanage in the 1950s, when Stan was 12 years old.
Margaret: Margaret's story takes place at a Salvation Army children's home in the 1960s, when Margaret was 11 years old.
Donny: Donny's story takes place at a Lutheran Church-run Aboriginal mission in the 1960s. Donny was 8 years old.
Hugh: Hugh's story features a Scout leader in the 1980s. Hugh was about 10 years old.
Scott: Scott's story takes place at a state-run hostel in the 1970s. Scott was 12 years old.
Natalie: Natalie's story features a Catholic priest who visited Natalie's primary school in the 1980s. Natalie was 11 years old.
Felicity: Felicity's story takes place at a primary school in a regional area in the 1960s. Felicity was 11 years old.
Carolyn: Carolyn's story takes place in 2000 at an elite Anglican boys' school where Carolyn's son, Tim, was a student. Tim was 9 years old.