The Royal Commission held both public and private roundtables on various topics, often related to the release of a specific issues paper. Roundtables were generally convened by at least one Commissioner and enabled government and non-government representatives, regulators, policy experts, academics, survivors and advocacy groups to discuss key policy issues.
We invited people with specific expertise to participate in these discussions, while making transcripts and audio recordings of public roundtables available on our website for the public to access.
Private roundtables allowed for more focused consultation with invited participants and a forum for participants to directly exchange views with each other. Transcripts and recordings were not published, and public access was not granted.
16 April 2014, Sydney
With the number of children in out-of-home care increasing nationally, examining the prevention of child sexual abuse in this setting was a priority for the Royal Commission. The roundtable followed the release of Issues Paper 4: Preventing Sexual Abuse of Children in Out-of-Home Care, which generated 63 submissions from a wide range of individuals and organisations.
Convened by
The Hon. Jennifer Coate and Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM.
16 June 2014, Canberra
To assist the Royal Commission to better understand how Working with Children Checks (WWCC) can help prevent child sexual abuse in institutional contexts. The roundtable discussion followed the release of an issues paper on Working with Children Checks which generated 79 submissions from the community.
Convened by
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM and Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM
20 April 2016, Sydney
To discuss reporting offences as part of its work on criminal justice issues.
Convened by
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, The Hon. Jennifer Coate and Commissioner Bob Atkinson AO APM.
Participation list
21 April 2016, Sydney
To discuss adult sex offender treatment programs as part of its work on criminal justice issues.
Convened by
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, The Hon. Jennifer Coate and Commissioner Bob Atkinson AO APM.
Participation list
29 April 2016, Sydney
To discuss DDP complaints and oversight mechanisms as part of the Royal Commissions work on criminal justice issues.
Convened by
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, The Hon. Jennifer Coate and Commissioner Bob Atkinson AO APM.
Participation list
To discuss multi-disciplinary and specialist policing responses.
Convened by
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM, The Hon. Justice Jennifer Coate and Commissioner Bob Atkinson AO APM.
Participation list
31 March 2017, Sydney
To discuss issues in relation to the memory of child sexual abuse and the law. This roundtable was held in conjunction with a research project on memory and the law. It involved a number of invited academics and clinicians with research and practice expertise in this area.
Convened by
Leigh Sanderson, Special Counsel.