- Application for Leave to Appear – An application to appear in front of a Public Hearing.
- Commissioner – A person, appointed by the Governor General, who oversees the Royal Commission and its work.
- Evidence – Information given in a public or private hearing.
- Exhibits – Evidence that is tendered during a Public Hearing.
- Institution – Any organisation that was involved with children, including schools, sporting clubs, children’s services, orphanages, foster care, residential care, religious organisations and government organisations.
- Issues Paper – A paper written by the Royal Commission that outlines or analyses an issue.
- knowmore – An organisation that provides free, independent legal advice to people dealing with the Royal Commission.
- Legislation – Laws or Acts.
- Letters Patent – Official instructions.
- Practice Guidelines – Procedures which the Royal Commission must follow.
- Private hearing - A private meeting where Commissioners hear evidence from witnesses.
- Private session – A private meeting where Commissioners hear stories from survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.
- Public hearing – A public forum, like a court, where evidence is heard by Commissioners.
- Royal Commission – A special investigation into a matter of great importance.
- Submission – A written response from an organisation or individual that provides their opinions or ideas on a certain topic.
- Transcripts – A written record of proceedings.
- Webcast – A live video of an event on the website.
- Witness – A person who appears and gives evidence at a public or private hearing.