On Friday, 11 January 2013 the then Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Her Excellency Quentin Bryce, appointed six Commissioners for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. To assist the Commissioners, Ms Gail Furness SC was appointed as Senior Counsel Assisting.
The Hon. Justice Peter McClellan AM
Chair of the Royal Commission and Judge of Appeal in New South Wales
The Hon. Justice Jennifer Coate
Judge of the Family Court of Australia
Commissioner Bob Atkinson AO APM
Former Queensland Police Service Commissioner
Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM
Productivity Commissioner
Commissioner Helen Milroy
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Commissioner Andrew Murray
Former Senator for Western Australia
Ms Gail Furness SC
Senior Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission
Counsel Assisting appointed by the Commonwealth Attorney-General who appeared at a Royal Commission hearing
- Angus Stewart SC
- Jeremy Kirk SC
- Sophie David SC
- Andrew Naylor
- Caroline Spruce
- David Barrow
- David Lloyd
- Hayley Bennett
- Juliet Lucy
- Madeleine Ellicott
- Maria Gerace
- Naomi Sharp
- Peggy Dwyer
- Simeon Beckett
- Stephen Free