Commissioner Helen Milroy
Commissioner Helen Milroy
Commissioner Milroy is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Winthrop Professor at the University of Western Australia. Commissioner Milroy has been on state and national mental health advisory committees and boards with a particular focus on the wellbeing of children.
Commissioner Milroy is a descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia and was born and educated in Perth. She studied medicine at the University of Western Australia, worked as a General Practitioner and Consultant in Childhood Sexual Abuse at the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children for several years before completing specialist training in Child and Adolescent psychiatry.
Commissioner Milroy’s work and research interests include holistic medicine, child mental health, recovery from trauma and grief, application of Indigenous knowledge, cultural models of care, Aboriginal health and mental health, and developing and supporting the Aboriginal medical workforce.
Boards and committees
- National Expert Working Group developing mental health check for three year olds 2011-2012
- National Indigenous Clearinghouse Board 2012
- NHMRC Expert Working Group developing ADHD clinical practice points 2011-2012
- Ministerial Appointment National Healing Foundation Development Team 2009
- Ministerial Appointment National Human Ethics Committee NHMRC 2009-2012
- Member Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Advisory Committee NHMRC 2009-2012
- Ministerial appointment National Advisory Council on Mental Health 2008-2011
- Expert Medical Advisory Group, DHA (Commonwealth Department of Health and Aging) 2007-2011
- Invited member AMC Working Party: Good Medical Practice Guidelines 2007-09
- Advisory Group National Social and Emotional Well-being Evaluation Study, OATSIH, DHA, 2006-8
- Invited member: Clinical Council for Beyond Blue 2005
- Invited member: Writing group for the National Mental Health Plan 2005-9
- National Social and Emotional Well-being Advisory Group, OATSIH, DHA, 2002-2004
- National Strategies Working Group Mental Health Branch, DHA, 2002-2011
- Chair, Member of the RANZCP National Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Committee 1997-2009
- Ministerial Appointment: WA Indigenous Implementation Board 2008-9
- Invited Member: State Mental Health Advisory Group 2005-2007
- Chairperson, Implementation working group for State-wide Aboriginal Psychiatric Service 2005-8
- Chairperson, Working Group drafting Western Australia’s State Strategic Plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2004-2005
- Member: RANZCP Board of Professional and Community Relations 2007-2010
- Appointed Board Member: Headspace National Youth Foundation Advisory Board 2006-10
- Elected Board member Australian Indigenous Doctors Association 2002-8
- President Australian Indigenous Doctors Association 2005
Commissioner Milroy holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery, is a fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry and completed the Certificate of Advanced Training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.