Exhibits published about child sexual abuse in Catholic Church institutions
Exhibits published about child sexual abuse in Catholic Church institutions
The Royal Commission has published documents relating to Catholic Church Insurance (CCI) and the Society of St Gerard Majella that were tendered during the public hearing into Catholic Church authorities in Australia (Case Study 50).
The public hearing was held in Sydney in February 2017.
The CCI documents relate to investigations conducted by CCI into child sexual abuse claims to establish whether an insured Catholic Church authority had prior knowledge of an alleged perpetrator’s propensity to abuse.
The Royal Commission has published CCI documents relating to 22 alleged perpetrators.
The Society of St Gerard Majella was a Catholic religious institute founded in the 1960s. It was suppressed by the Vatican at the request of the Bishop of Parramatta in 1996, which had the effect of closing down the Society.
Please note that the documents in both exhibits (Exhibit 50-0012 and Exhibit 50-0013) contain redactions of names and identifying information that are subject to directions not to publish.
Visit Case Study 50 and go to exhibits to find the documents.