Royal Commission calls for victims from the Anglican diocese of Adelaide
Royal Commission calls for victims from the Anglican diocese of Adelaide
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is calling on members of the public, who suffered sexual abuse as a child within the Anglican Church and have subsequently made a claim to the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide since 2004, to contact the Royal Commission.
Royal Commission CEO Janette Dines said Healing Steps was implemented by the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide in 2004 to provide pastoral support and practical assistance for victims of sexual abuse. The program was established after an internal inquiry made recommendations about how the Diocese could improve its response to sexual abuse and misconduct, including child sexual abuse.
“Healing Steps was established by the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide as an alternative approach to civil proceedings for resolving claims of sexual abuse, including child sexual abuse.
“The Royal Commission is in the process of gathering information relevant to these matters, and would like to talk to anyone who was sexually abused as a child within the Anglican Church, and who has participated in the Healing Steps program.
“It can be difficult and scary for people to talk to us. We want to assure people that information shared with the Royal Commission is kept absolutely confidential. We do not share any information without permission,” she said.
Ms Dines explained that the Royal Commission wants to reach as many participants as it can to give everyone the opportunity to share their story.
“The Royal Commission hopes that victims’ stories will contribute to the Commission’s understanding of how the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide responded to claims of child sexual abuse,” Ms Dines said.
To speak with the Royal Commission, call 1800 099 340 or email contact@childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au
Media enquiries: (02) 8282 3966 or media@childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au