Royal Commission to hold roundtable on out-of-home care
Royal Commission to hold roundtable on out-of-home care
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse will hold a roundtable in Sydney next month to discuss the prevention of child sexual abuse in out-of-home care.
The roundtable discussion will be convened by Justice Jennifer Coate and Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM on Wednesday 16 April 2014.
Participants will include state and territory government representatives, regulators, policy experts, out-of-home care practitioners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives, academics and advocacy groups.
Royal Commission CEO Janette Dines said the roundtable discussion will help the Royal Commission better understand how to prevent sexual abuse of children in out-of-home care.
“With the number of children in out-of-home care increasing nationally, examining the prevention of child sexual abuse in this setting is a priority for the Royal Commission,” she said.
“The roundtable will explore monitoring and oversight of out-of-home care; recruitment, training and support of carers; prevention through practice; and support and responses to children in care.”
The roundtable discussion follows the release of an issues paper on preventing sexual abuse of children in out-of-home care, which generated 63 submissions from the community.
Submissions were received from state and territory governments, Children’s Commissioners, community services, advocacy groups, peak bodies and individuals.
“Some consistent themes have emerged in the submissions and this will form the basis of the roundtable discussion,” Ms Dines said.
The Royal Commission roundtable discussion into preventing sexual abuse of children in out-of-home care will be held at Level 17, Governor Macquarie Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney NSW.
The public viewing gallery will be open to members of the public and the media.
Media enquiries: (02) 8282 3966 or media@childabuseroyalcommision.gov.au.
Please note: The OOHC Roundtable will be open to members of the public and the media however participation in the discussion is by invite only. Attendees will include representatives from state and territory governments, policy experts, representatives from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, practitioners and academics.