Call for submissions about various institutions
Call for submissions about various institutions
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will be holding public hearings in December 2016 into the current policies and procedures of each institution named below in relation to child protection and child-safe standards, including responding to allegations of child sexual abuse.
These hearings will also examine the response of each named institution to the case study report in which its conduct was considered.
The Royal Commission invites submissions from individuals and organisations concerning these matters, that is, the current policies and procedures in place and the response of the institution to the relevant case study reports.
The Royal Commission may invite selected individuals or organisations to speak to their submissions, however, it is not proposed that leave to appear will be granted.
Those institutions are:
- Scouts New South Wales (Case Study 1 held in September 2013);
- YMCA New South Wales (Case Study 2 held in October 2013);
- The Salvation Army (Case Studies 5, 10 and 33 held in January/February 2014, March/April 2014 and October 2015);
- the Australian Christian Churches and affiliated Pentecostal churches (Case Study 18 held in October 2014).
The Royal Commission is tasked with investigating how different institutions currently respond to allegations of child sexual abuse.
The identity of anyone that provides information will be protected and will be kept confidential.
Submissions should be made by 23 September 2016 in writing to GPO Box 5283, Sydney, NSW, 2001 or via email to solicitor@childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au. Submissions can be anonymous.
If individuals have participated in a private session and would like their session to be recognised as a formal, confidential submission, please contact the Royal Commission at solicitor@childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au.